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Handle What You Control First | The Best Stoic Insights On Raising Kids



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Life is frustrating. You’re waiting for people to get back to you. You’re waiting for approval on stuff. You’re waiting for things to ship. You’re dealing with bureaucracy. You’re depending on teammates. You’re dealing with the fallout of decisions that weren’t your call, rules you don’t agree with.

It’s interesting though how often we complain or chafe against these constraints…yet when the ball actually is in our court, we’re slow. We’re indecisive. We don’t do our best.

More than strange, it’s wasteful madness.

The Stoics say over and over again that there is stuff in our control and stuff outside our control.

And in today’s Daily Stoic video excerpt, Ryan shares some key parenting advice grounded in the lessons of human history and the wisdom of the ancients. It invokes timeless philosophical principles and practical insights that will not only make you the best possible parent but also help you raise your kids into the people they are destined to become.

📺 You can watch the full video on the Daily Stoic YouTube channel.

✉️ Get parenting wisdom inspired by the Stoics every day for free at https://dailydad.com

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